& Life
The Guy Masterson Method...
is an Holistic Approach to Confidence and Charisma on the Stage or Page, on Screen... or in Life...
A series of personally tailored techniques that will improve your approach to your creative work and your life.
Personality, Individuality, Authenticity... Unleash your charisma!
The Method
Developed from Life
With over 36 years experience as a creative (a theatre producer, director, actor, writer, solo-performer and voice artiste) plus experience in corporate management and company ownership, Guy Masterson has formulated a unique approach to enticing the best possible performance from anyone who has something to communicate. - Whatever your creative endeavour - be it on the stage or page or on screen, Guy Masterson's bespoke methods will guarantee you effective results to increase your confidence and charisma, and maximise your potential for success.
Creative Coaching
Unleash your creativity.
Are you a creative person but just can't get down to creating? Have you buried your creativity all your life in favour of financial security? Has your day-job prevented the world from enjoying your creativity? Or do you simply not know where to start and/or lack the belief that you have what it takes? Guy Masterson can coach you through all the processes that will shift your creative endeavours from dreams into reality.
One-To-One Acting
How brilliant can you be?
Have you always been regarded as a "good" actor? Could you be "brilliant?" Are you aware of the things that might be getting in the way of it? Do you think too much? Does your body do things it shouldn't? How can you be more true to the moment? Guy Masterson will get to the core of your talent and technique and help you clear away the chaff that clouds your charisma, the mixed messages that you might be putting out and eliminate the fears that weaken your presence... Masterson will help clear a path to your empathy, and enable you to become a laser beam of power, focus and communication.
Drama School Entry
Land the drama school of your choice!
Guy Masterson knows the audition process from both sides of the room and what the various drama schools are looking for. He will help you hone your entry requirements - including monologue coaching and interview technique - so that your talent does the talking.
Talented but a weak auditioner?
You can change this! Guy Masterson will eke out the tics that weaken your auditions. He will coach you to engage swiftly yet fully with your material and release the whole of your talent and charisma to make the impact that will land that role.
Are you uncertain? About Anything?
For many, Low Self-Esteem is a way of life, but it doesn't need to be. You can change this. Guy Masterson can help you identify the issues in your life that give you pause... and encourage you on a path to defeat each and every one of your demons, and live the life you've always dreamed of.
Creative Writing
Get it down!
How do you get that great story idea out of your head and onto the page? Be it a book, a play, a short story, a screenplay, poetry or blog, Guy Masterson can inspire, advise and help you develop your idea and give you a structure to your approach and keep you on track, so that the idea does not remain just an idea...
Play Evaluation
Evaluate your script...
Most producers hate reading plays! Most submissions never receive a response! Having presented over 130 new plays over 30 years, Guy Masterson will read your masterpiece and evaluate it for production. He will give you detailed feedback as to potential outlets and commerciality and advice that will save a lot of time and heartache. If the play requires surgery, he can help with that too. (See Dramaturgy below)
Hone your script...
Successful plays start with the script... Guy Masterson will help you shape and sharpen your masterpiece with structure and specificity, and focus the storyline... Enrich your characters and enthral your audience with your originality.
Theatre Creation
Conceive, create, produce & present your own play...
As an Olivier Award winning theatre producer who has presented over 130 new works over 30 years, Guy Masterson's shows have been seen in the West End, all over the United Kingdom, and the world. If you have a great idea that you think should be seen, Guy Masterson can teach, advise, coach, dramaturg and/or consult on all aspects of theatre production from conception to realisation. He can even help you produce it!
Solo Shows
Create your own showcase...
There are few people on the planet with Guy Masterson's wealth of experience of solo performance - from inventing, writing, structuring, learning, producing, rehearsing, ultimately, to performing, Guy Masterson can coach you though everything necessary to create and exploit a successful solo show.
Learn the Edinburgh Ropes!
Guy Masterson has presented over 130 shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 27 seasons, and has been responsible for some of its most celebrated hits including several West End transfers. He has collaborated with award winning domestic and international creators to bring some of the most original theatre and artistes to the World's greatest arts festival. Masterson will guide you through the whole process from inception to delivery.