& Life
Where Confidence Engenders Creativity ...

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his/her dreams and endeavours to live the life which he/she has imagined he/she will meet with a success unexpected in common hours ...” Henry David Thoreau
Total Self-Confidence
A unique holistic approach to self-confidence in the workplace, in creativity, and in life...
An all-encompassing bespoke process that will enhance your chances of success in all aspects of life... Become the person you have always wanted to be and live the life you have dreamed of.
Guaranteed to bring out your best!
is a multi-award winning actor, writer, director, theatre producer and presenter; and an executive, performance and confidence coach combining 36 years in the entertainment industry with corporate management, entrepreneurship, and event development and delivery. His approach to life mirrors his approach to his art and business.
"Guy Masterson is one of those rare people whose immense skill and talent are less important to him than his desire to share those gifts with us."
John Ritchie - EdinburghGuide.com

Lead with Conviction...
All the tools necessary to function confidently... from
speechwriting & speaker training with clarity and charisma to team building, empowerment, efficiency
& productivity.

Create with Confidence...
Achieve the state of mind that conquers all fears... Master your technique... Release your Presence and Charisma in performance. Unleash your full creative potential in your work...

Realise your dreams...
Defeat your demons and reset your path toward Success, Harmony and Happiness.
Learn the universal processes that can make the world your oyster!